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At Seedlings Counselling we understand children and youth may experience a variety of issues that impact the way they feel about themselves, their family and friends, and life in general. These feelings can be difficult to manage on their own, and often lead to behaviours that may be concerning to parents, 

caregivers and teachers.


Children typically cope with overwhelming feelings by either externalizing or internalizing their behaviour. Externalizing behaviour can include acting out at home and/or school, verbal and/or physical aggression, hyperactivity, 

involvement in high risk activities, delinquency, and other attention seeking 

behaviour. By contrast, when children draw their emotions inwardly, we often notice internalizing beaviours such as anxiety, depression, social isolation, and somatic complaints such as headaches and stomach aches.


Our counselling services are designed to help you and your child uncover and process the thoughts, feelings, and worries that are at the root of these behaviours. Within the context of a trusting and supportive therapeutic relationship between counselor, child, and family,  it is possible to gain insight and a better understanding of these issues, often leading to more 

effective ways of coping and a reduction in problematic behaviours.

Articles & Resources

Services available include:

Counselling Services​

-  Individual Counselling 

-  Play Therapy

-  Family Counselling

-  Filial Therapy ( Parent and Child)

-  Expressive Therapy

-  Child Development Consultation

-  Trauma Counselling


-  Critical Incident Debriefing

-  Group Counselling

-  Resettlement Counselling  

-  Counselling in Spanish

​School Based Support

- Direct observation in school setting​

- Collaboration with teachers about student needs
- Guidance with development of student support plan​
- Assistance in garnering school support and resources
- Support and training for school staff​

- Advocacy and community referral

- Behavioural Consultation

​Group Programs for
Chidren & Youth

-  Social Emotional Development

-  Healthy Relationship Skills 

-  Emotional Intelligence

-  Relational Bullying

-  Body Image and Self Esteem

-  Grief and Loss

-  Coping with Worries and Anxiety

-  Family Transition ( Separation/Divorce)

-  Newcomer and Resettlement

-  Child in Foster Care

-  Children Affected by Family Violence

-  Internet Safety

-  Creativity and Self Expression 

-  Stress and Self Care

Group Programs for
Parents and Caregivers

-  Fostering Healthy Relationships Skills for Children

-  Bully- Proof Your Child

-  Internet Safety

-  Dealing with Grief and Loss  

-  Positive Parenting in Times of Stress

-  Supporting Your Child Through Separation and Divorce

-  Helping Children Deal with Worries and Anxiety

-  Supporting Children Exposed to Domestic Violence

-  Effective Strategies for Fostering Healthy Body Image and Self Esteem

-  Newcomer and Resettlement Support- Parenting in a New Country

-  Preparing Your Child and Yourself for a Successful School Transition

-  Fostering Resilience in the 'Tween Years- A Window of Opportunity

-  Taking Care of Self- A Gift to Our Children



​Workshops and Training for Professionals

​We provide workshops and training on a variety of topics for social workers, counsellors, teachers and other school based staff. We're happy to work with your organization or school to customize a professional development session, workshop or training program that meets the needs of participants and achieves intended results.


Please contact us at

604 785 4846 for more information

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